Islington Town Hall wedding – Abi & Dan

Small wedding photography
An Islington Town Hall wedding yesterday and the smallest wedding I have covered in years, just twelve people including the bride and groom, but it was not the lesser for it!
It’s hard to be ‘invisible’ as the photographer with such a small party ( the smallest I have ever covered was a total of six people ) but it does let you get an intimacy with the photographs that is different to covering a grand affair of hundreds of people. As soon as I met Abi and Dan for the first time yesterday, I had only spoken on the phone to Abi a couple of times previously, I knew this wouldn’t be a problem. They were totally relaxed and when I saw how they looked at each other, I knew getting pictures wouldn’t be a problem. In fact, so keen were they, they even started to kiss before the registrar had formally declared them husband and wife.
( A big thumbs up to the registrars at Islington! That was my first wedding there, I’m booked to be back in July. They were friendly, polite, professional and had a sense of humour. They even let pictures be taken during the signing – they obviously understand the law. Please take note all those (too many) vicars and registrars who think it is all about them instead of the couple )
Initially Abi had enquired about coverage for this ceremony with their close family followed by drinks down at the gastropub, The Duke of Cambridge, and then the party they are holding tomorrow, on Saturday. I was already booked for that date, but they decided to hire me for this part of the two-parter. The photography baton is therefore passed onto Abi’s dad, who’ll be covering the weekend party! My coverage begins with drinks at the Vineyard, directly opposite the town hall. The ceremony itself was held in the ‘Mayor’s Parlour’ – it was pretty warm! Then a stroll down Upper Street in the sunshine and onto the pub.
( A common theme that has come up in these posts, both last year and this, has been the fortitude of brides faced by cold weather. Yesterday was one of the hottest days of the year so far, so in contrast, a note for Dan and his thick tweed jacket! It was a hot day for a jacket like that! 😉 )

Here are a few images of this small wedding coverage……
I know these locations really well and Iv’e got to say you’ve really brought out the character of the venues, as well as a terrific set of intimate and thoughtful images. Its hard to pick out favorites, but the candids walking along the street and the relaxed portraits by the canal really stand out for me. Dan did brilliantly well to cope with jacket too! Smashing job.
Martin, you’re a photographic genius…we’re blown away. More than thank you, you’ve made our day. Abi & Dan
Lovely coverage Martin. Photographing such an intimate wedding is a challenge, but you’ve done a smashing job and the images are lovely
Inspiring photography Martin – what superb and unique coverage of a beautiful day which will be remembered always – your images have truly captured the joy and happiness, thank you…
Mike and Linda
Wonderful photos, they capture the wedding perfectly. Thank you.
Martin, you’ve done a great job of photographing a small, intimate wedding. With such small numbers, it can feel like you’re going over the same ground again and again, but you’ve got a lovely variety of shots here.